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History of "Peregrina"

Good morning everyone, today I am going to tell you a little about those times of pirates and treasures on Pearl Island, Panama.

In those days, in the month of September 1513, Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, accompanied by 190 men, undertook his trip to Santa María del Darien, to discover that sea and those islands where he had heard stories told by the natives of the existence of A new sea with beautiful islands and many pearls. Balboa sent a letter to the King of Spain giving him this information, in the year 1513, where he told that the Indians affirmed the existence of a new ocean of islands and an abundance of pearls.

There he started everything, in January 1514, he returned to Santa María del Darién with large quantities of pearls and gold.

After two years, the then governor of Panama, Pedrarias Dávila, authorized Gaspar de Morales and Francisco Pizarro to carry out an expedition to the Pearl Islands, where it is reported that, "Gaspar de Morales was attended by a friendly Indian chief who gave him many pearls¨; but there are other versions ....

On August 10, 1515, Morales and Pizarro returned to Santa Maria del Darien, after many battles with the indigenous people, where they left the islands completely depopulated. It was on that trip that Morales and Pizarro found a huge 31-carat pearl, in the shape of a pear, which was taken to the Queen of Spain and soon became famous. Known today as "La Peregrina", which is currently known as "La Peregrina". you can get to see in a museum in London.

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